(The Child Is Still Younger)
a 36 artist tribute album to acclaimed South African poet INGRID JONKER
on double CD, digital download & 12 track ltd. ed. vinyl LP
Ingrid Jonker painting by Jonel Scholtz |
Ingrid Jonker is one of South Africa's most celebrated (and tragic) poets.
With the 50th commemoration of her untimely death in 1965 (committing suicide by drowning), her daughter is spearheading an exciting music project to not only reinvigorate Ingrid's timeless words, but also preserving it via a wide range of artists and their brand new song recordings exclusive to this collection.
Ingrid Jonker's passion, humanity, expression and grasp of language speaks volumes across many divides, with her words still as relevant and moving today:
> Nelson Mandela read from her poem "Die Kind" (The Child) and talked about her during his address at the opening of the first democratically elected parliament on 24 May 1994;
> The success of Chris Chameleon's first Afrikaans album "Ek Herhaal Jou" consisted entirely of lyrics from her poems and contributed to its success and having him break into that market (2005);
> "Black Butterflies" is an acclaimed international autobiographic film on her life, released in 2011;
> 2015 one of the seven footbridges crossing Nelson Mandela boulevard in Cape Town were named after Ingrid Jonker - more details on all the people honoured with these namings can be seen here
> 2015 and 2016 has seen various plays linked to Jonker, and "Vlam In Die Sneeu" (Flame In The Snow) was published, a book containing the love letters between Ingrid Jonker and acclaimed writer André P. Brink.
Ingrid's daughter Simone and her husband Ernesto Garcia Marques of Sound Action, conceived a musical dedication to Jonker with this compilation of musical adaptations by a wide range of hand-picked South African and international artists, titled "Die Kind Is Nog Jonger" (The Child Is Still Younger).
New life is breathed into Jonker's moving, lyrical, inspiring, dramatic and passionate words, by a diverse range of musicians, including veterans, established artists, imports, expatriates, award winners and some newcomers; the adaptations covering an invigorating scope of styles and moods, from Pop, Rock, Acoustic and Blues, to Folk, Ambient, Avant Garde, Electronic, Alternative, Punk and more.
Mastered by Peter Pearlson, this 36-track double CD collection is the most comprehensive collaboration of musicians guided by the emotionally powerful poetry of Ingrid Jonker, and is not limited to Afrikaans, as many of the artist renditions are English translations, broadening the scope and reach of this release.
Some of the 3-dozen artists include Afrikaans legends like Anton Goosen, struggle era stalwarts Kalahari Surfers, Ivan Kadey (of National Wake), Falling Mirror and Jennifer Ferguson, expatriates Tribe After Tribe (USA) and Juliana Venter (Germany), Voëlvry era bands like Die Naaimasjiene, Gereformeerde Blues Band & Khaki Monitor's Tonia Möller, and Dirk Ace (whose Trippy Grape went on to releas a slew of bands), The Sighs Of Monsters (UK), Dutch harpist Anne Van Schothorst, SAMA winners like Lark's Inge Beckmann (also of Beast), Somerfaan (also of Battery 9), and Francois Breytenbach Blom (known for bands K.O.B.U.S. / V.O.D / Die Kruis - with special guest Theo Crous also of K.O.B.U.S. and the Springbok Nude Girls).
There are historic '70s and '80s heroes The Radio Rats and Wilde Junge (aka Wild Youth), acclaimed groups like Terminatryx, The SlashDogs, The Rambling Bones, (Moodphase5ive's) Ernestine Deane, and Jim Neversink (now residing in Denmark), with the rest of the impressive artists encapsulating Tim Parr & Ingrid Jonger (aka Simone), Daniel Eeuwrick, (feat. Piet Botha), Beeskraal Revival, André Van Rensburg, mike dickman, Victor Wolf, The CapTn (feat. Julie Hartley), Eckard Potgieter, Mavis Vermaak, Stefan Strydom & Gert Vlok Nel, Zaria, The McClones, Abraham Van GeenBybel, and Andrew Kay.
(Some of the songs incorporate spoken word archive recordings of Ingrid Jonker reading her poems).
Beyond the historic, literary and artistic significance of this anthology, it is also a capsule of current and past musicians (spanning generations from the '70s to present), fusing new music with timeless words from over half a century ago, melding into new creations allowing both to live on, transcending time constraints, new art created as a result (preserving language, culture and history).
Below is a radio interview about the album |
The album was compiled by Simone Jonker & Ernesto Garcia Marques (for Sound Action) and co-produced by Paul Blom
Executive Producers: Paul Blom (for Flamedrop Productions) & Jacques Blom
The beautiful ocean cover art was painted by renowned South African artist Vernon Swart (12 of his works available as perks at the Indie GoGo crowd-funding campaign).
In addition to the 36-track double CD and download release options (set for 3 June 2016), a 12-track limited edition vinyl LP version wil be released in co-operation with Permanent Record.
The IndieGoGo crowd-funding campaign had great perks attached, and was a success
CD Track Listing:
Compiled by Simone Jonker & Ernesto Garcia Marques
Executive Producers: Paul Blom & Jacques Blom
Disc 1
Ingrid Jonger & Tim Parr - Toemaar Die Donker Man
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Tim Parr & Dawie Goldberg / Read by Simone / Eyecan Publishing)
Ernestine Deane - Die Kind
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Ernestine Deane, Brian de Goede, Sebastian Schwarzenberger / Copyright Control)
Anton Goosen - 'n Hemel Vol Blou Akkers (Plant Vir My 'n Boom André)
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Anton Goosen / Publishing: Bushrock Music - Gallo)
Stefan Strydom (feat. Gert Vlok Nel) - Ingrid
(Words & Music by Stefan Strydom / Copyright Control)
Jennifer Ferguson - Windliedjie (live)
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Jennifer Ferguson / A Peace Of Music Publishing AB)
Abraham van GeenBybel - Donker Stroom
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Abraham Helberg / Copyright Control)
Rambling Bones - Summer (For Simone)
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Jay Bones, Eric Wright, Angie de Klerk, Leighton Powell / Sheer Publishing)
Falling Mirror - 25 December 1960
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Falling Mirror / Copyright Control)
Andrew Kay - Fragment
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Andrew Kay / Copyright Control)
Terminatryx - Ontvlugting
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Sonja Ruppersberg & Paul Blom / Copyright Control)
mike dickman - I Went In Search Of My Body
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Mike Dickman / Publishing: Cheapfrills Co)
Tonia Möller - Man En Vrou
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Tonia Möller, Willem Möller / Copyright Control)
The Wilde Junge (Wild Youth) - Police Protection Guaranteed
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Michael Fleck / Copyright Control)
André van Rensburg - Liedjie Van Die Troubadoer
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by André van Rensburg / Published by South of the Border)
The Slashdogs - Lied Van Die Grafgrawer
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by The SlashDogs / Copyright Control)
The Sighs Of Monsters - Drawing
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Brett Lock, Christopher Houston, Dean Sober /
The Official Record Company (Nabu Media Ltd)
Die Naaimasjiene - Mamma
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Die Naaimasjiene / Copyright Control)
Robbi Robb (feat. Amritakripa) - Face Of Love
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Robert Robb / Thousand Thunders Publishing)
Disc 2
Inge Beckmann - Korreltjie Sand
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Inge Beckmann - Inge Schreuder / Copyright Control)
Kalahari Surfers - Klein Hande
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Warrick Sony - Kalahari Surfers / Free State Music Publishing)
Jim Neversink - Bitterbessie Dagbreek
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Jim Neversink / Copyright Control)
Beeskraal Revival - Verlore Stad
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Charles Smidt & MD Greyling / Copyright Control)
Daniel Eeuwrick (feat. Piet Botha) - Aan Uys Krige
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Daniel Eeuwrick / Copyright Control)
Somerfaan - Ontnugtering
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Somerfaan / Roar Agencies cc t/a Roar Publishing)
Anne Van Schothorst - Ek Het Gedink
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Anne van Schothorst / Copyright Control)
Ivan Kadey - Tokolosh
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Ivan Kadey / National Wake Music Publishing)
Radio Rats - Deep Dark Introverted Girl
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Radio Rats, Jonathan Handley / icbm music / Radium Wreckords)
Francois Breytenbach Blom & Ingrid Jonker - Die Kind
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Francois Breytenbach Blom / Copyright Control)
Eckard Potgieter – Ontvlugting
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Junior Botha, Eckard Potgieter / Copyright Control)
Victor Wolf - Ballade Van Drie Vriende
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Riku Lätti / Published by Wasgoedlyn Musiek)
The CapTn (feat. Julie Hartley) - Reclaimed Land
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Christopher Beukman / Copyright Control)
Juliana Venter - Hierdie Reis
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Juliana Venter / Copyright Control)
Dirk Ace - Van 'n Skilder
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Dirk Ace & Alex Power / Copyright Control)
The McClones - I Am With Those
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Joe O'Brien, Linsay Langenhoven / Copyright Control)
Mavis Vermaak - Heimwee Na Kaapstad
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Riana Alet Wiechers, Mavis Vermaak / Copyright Control)
Zaria - Begin Somer
(Words: Ingrid Jonker / Adapted by Zaria van Jaarsveld / Copyright Control)
"Die Kind Is Nog Jonger"

"Die Kind Is Nog Jonger" double CD can be ordered from